Deferred Compensation Plan
A deferred compensation plan withholds a portion of an employee’s pay until a specified date, usually retirement. The lump-sum owed to an employee in this type of plan is paid out on that date. Examples of deferred compensation plans include pensions, retirement plans, and employee stock options.
Buy-Sell Insurance
A buy/sell agreement, also known as a buyout agreement, is a contract funded by a life insurance policy that can help minimize the turmoil caused by the sudden departure, disability or death of a business owner or partner.
Key Person Insurance
Key Person Insurance is a life insurance policy that a company purchases on a key executive’s life. The company is the beneficiary of the plan and pays the insurance policy premiums. This type of life insurance is also known as “key man insurance,” “key woman insurance” or “business life insurance.”
Executive Bonus Plan
An executive bonus plan is a way to attract, retain and reward key employees using life insurance. … The employer covers the cost of the policy by periodically giving the employee a bonus big enough to pay the policy premiums. The employee then pays the premiums to the insurance carrier.
Non-Qualified Retirement Plan
A non-qualified plan is a type of tax-deferred, employer-sponsored retirement plan that falls outside of Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) guidelines. … These plans are also exempt from the discriminatory and top-heavy testing that qualified plans are subject to.